Despite the fact that abortions are illegal in Texas, unplanned pregnancies still happen. Texas women are more desperate than ever before to find access to abortion, choosing to travel outside of the state and even into Mexico to get abortions and the abortion pills. You can step in and empower these women to choose LIFE for their babies. You can provide the physical, emotional, and spiritual support these moms and dads need to choose LIFE instead of abortion.
One of these women was a mother of two, who came to the Pregnancy Help Center of the Crossroads Area determined to have an abortion. She chose life for her child after learning about her pregnancy options from a volutneer advocate. Two weeks later, through our ultrasound program, we discovered she was having twins! Pro-life donors like you have provided these services to over 275 families in over 8 counties. You are saving physical and spiritual lives all over the Crossroads Area.
Your gift will provide:
Thank you for your work to save lives!
For every precious LIFE saved, for every HEART turned to Him, for every work of LOVE done in this place... TO GOD BE THE GLORY!